State of emergency: a disease which have already killed millions of coconut palms in Ghana and Tanzania is now strongly expanding in Côte d'Ivoire. It already destroyed hundreds of hectares of coconut plantations, threatening the livelihoods of farmers and causing social troubles. The coconut palm is one of the most important crop along the coastal belt of West Africa. It represents the main source of income for people living in the coastal region. Many farmer's children cannot go to school due to lack of money... See our movie, also available in French version.
- The Agropolis fondation, which funded a project (REPROCROP) on another subject but allowed us to visit the zones were the disease is expanding.
- The FIRCA - Fond Interprofessionel pour la Recherche et le Conseil Agricoles, which was the first institution to fund a project on the Lethal Yellowing Disease in Côte d’Ivoire.
- The University Felix Houphouët Boigny in Côte d’Ivoire.
- The APCC - Asian and Pacific Coconut Community.
- The Ngo LAASSE – Laboratoire de Sociologie économique et d’anthropologie des appartenances symboliques,
- The Ngo IGDP - Institut pour la bonne Gouvernance, le Développement et la Prospective
- The Ngo ALP - Agricole Local Partner
- And Diversiflora International